Creative workshops
I’m very happy to offer creative workshops again for all generations!
I believe that artistic practices strengthen positive self-concepts, social skills and the ability to influence your surroundings positively. The creative workshops offer participants the opportunity to share their different perspectives with others, reflect about their own biographical path and have joyful and funny times.
Last but not least, the creative processes facilitate cooperative reflexes and encourage discussions about the present and the future.
Requests :
In the last years I lead workshops for various organisations and institutions: Deutsche Oper, Wannseeforum, Childfund, GLS Bank, Plural Arts, Trial and Error e.V., Alfred-Nobel-Schule, Young Arts Neukölln, Karneval der Kulturen, Technische Jugendfreizeit- und Bildungsgesellschaft (tjfbg) gGmbH, Nena e.V., La Ménagerie e.V., B-Arts, Asociatia Sectia de Coregrafie...
Here you find examples of my workshops:
- Mask-building
- Puppet-building
- Street and Urban arts
- Stop-Motion and Media arts
- Serigraphy and Prints
- Lantern-buiding
- Theater